We are a Church of England School where our children learn within a Christian environment, developing an understanding of the values and teachings of the church, as well as a knowledge and respect for all religions, faiths and cultures.
Working closely with parents, governors and the wider community, we provide a caring and happy environment where every child matters and where all children will be nurtured and guided to develop a thirst for learning.
Our school is an inclusive school and offers to meet the needs of all pupils and their families, including those with special educational needs. We have a shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their special education needs, should be offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school, enabling them to reach their full potential and ensuring they understand that they are a valued member of the school community. The range of support the school can offer will be tailored to individual need following on from assessments by internal and/or external agencies.
Please see our SEN Information Report below, which will provide you with all the information you need:
Interim Headteacher, Mrs V Childs is responsible for the day to day management of all aspects of the school, including the provision for children with SEND and is the school's SENDCO.
Mrs V Childs is responsible for:
The Class Teacher is responsible for:
Ensuring that the Ordinarily Available: Inclusive Teaching Framework is being used
Mrs J Brown is responsible for supporting the school to develop quality provision and to evaluate the impact of SEND provision across the school.
A range of policies are available on the school website, or we can provide you with copies upon request. Please see our policies page for more information.
For more information on the Essex Local Offer please visit
For Information on supporting your Neurodiverse child please visit:
If you require more information about the School's Offer then please contact the School Office by phone on 01279 731225 or by e-mail admin@matchinggreen.essex.sch.uk