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Matching Green Church School Blog

Express Yourself

As part of Children's Mental Health Week, the children were invited to come to school in non-uniform and express themselves. We had horse-riders, gymnasts, children in their favourite jumpers, expressing themselves with different hair colours and accessories and even their best hats.

Story telling

The children in Potter class have been learning about Jack and the Beanstalk this week. They used chalks outside at lunchtime to recreate the beanstalk and drew the garden, the beanstalk and the giant at the top! 

Appreciating our space

The children have shown gratitude for the beauty of our local area this week. We were greeted by a herd of deer in the field behind the school and the children were able to watch them graze over lunch.

It was lovely to observe the children 'stop' and watch and then embrace the visitors throughout their dinner time. 
